Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sandbags, Cyclones and Sewing - Part 2

Yesterday we returned our sandbags to my son-in law. He had bought and filled them with earth when after two days - early in the week before Tropical Cyclone Alfred arrived - we were unable to get sandbags from the council or state emergency services. More arrived every day at the depot but we were taking no chances. By Friday a million sandbags had been filled and distributed in southeast Queensland. These ones protected my sewing room.

Thankfully we had very little storm damage - just a few small trees had broken branches. It was sad though to see two big mature tree come down in the park behind us. We really felt for all those who bore the brunt of the storm and the catastrophic flooding.

With the upheaval over the last two weeks, not much sewing happened on my Easter egg embroidery.

There are still lots of ends to finish off and perhaps a short row or two to stitch at either end. That will be quick to do.

An especially big thank you to all my lovely blog readers for your good wishes and very kind messages after my last blog post. It was a scary time and I appreciate them all! 

'Till next time, happy stitching!

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