Friday, September 10, 2021

Little UFO

This little canvas work piece has been in my Work In Progress box for a couple of years. Before relegating it to the Unfinished Object box, a more final resting place, I took another look.

I started it one Christmas intending to use up the small piece of canvas and make a little Christmas tree hanging. The small eyelets were the stumbling block. 

I tried a few options to cover the bright white canvas that shows through from behind the eyelets. Eventually after trying that silver eyelet I put the put the canvas aside awaiting some other inspiration.

I still haven't decided what to do about those eyelets, but I am adding a few more rows.

Although the days are gloriously sunny, the weather has been changeable and the chilly August winds seemed to linger. In the garden the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow has burst into bloom so summer must be on the way.

'Till next time, take care and happy stitching!