Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy 2019!

I hope that you had a happy Christmas and that 2019 will be a very good year for you - healthy,  rewarding and happy.

This Christmas was the first time all four of our grandchildren were with us. Talk about excitement!

Our two daughters and their families had dinner with us almost every night and the four children (ages 5,6,7 and 8) got on so well together that there were tears when the cousins had to part.

Photo taken by Cindy on the Nudgee Wetlands boardwalk
After a busy but very happy couple of weeks our routine is slowly returning to normal. Cindy and family are back in Bangkok and getting ready to return to school and to work. Bronwyn and family are camping down on the New South Wales coast and we are looking after their two cats.

Besides taking up hems and sewing on buttons, I seem to have done little with my needle and thread recently. Any embroidery inspiration has vanished. I'm sure it will soon return. In the meantime I have been reading and enjoying being able to source e-books from the Brisbane library. The weather is balmy and our patio overlooking the little park is, as my son-in-law put it, 'the best room in the house', a great place to soak up the peaceful surroundings, watch the birds .... and stitch.

I hope you are relaxed, refreshed and inspired after the holidays.